Many people struggle with analog signals in PLC programming. The wiring and how to use an analog input or output in your PLC program can be tricky. I’m writing this article because many want to learn how to use analog signals in PLC programming. Analog signals are used widely in PLC programs. So how do you connect that 4-20mA analog transmitter to your PLC and use it in your PLC program? How do you scale an analog signal in Ladder? This article aims to give answers to this specifically with an S7 300 with TIA...
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APP_S7 is an S7 PLC driver written by Alan Phillips that works with Siemens PLC's and with Ethernet connections. This means that the PLC must have a Profinet CPU or a profinet/ethernet external card (CP-343 etc). APP_S7 is written entirely in C# and aims to be the most flexible S7 PLC communication method....
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APP S7 is a pure C# implementation of the S7 Protocol. APP S7 is deployed as a single source file that contains some classes that you can use directly in your .NET project to communicate with S7 PLCs. It’s designed to work with small hardware .NET-based or even for large projects which don’t needs of extended control functions...
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