What is the SQL Bulk Update Utility Tool
The SQL Bulk Update Utility Tool is used to change large sets of data in SQL databases in a simplified manner. The Application automatically creates update queries and acts as a repository for standardized queries which will be frequently re-run.
Whether you are a database administrator, automation engineer, software tester or validation professional, the SQL Bulk Update Utility Tool Application can help you make large changes to data that requires frequent modifications in a controlled manner. For an overview of the application in use, select the YOUTUBE link below -
Download SQL Bulk Update
Manual Updates through Queries
Typical Manual updates to a SQL database are done through queries such as shown in the SQL management studio example below. The application has been specifically created to keep track of these Update Queries where full administrative rights are not to be given to all testers.
Data Simulation in Automation
In industrial automation, the application has been designed to make changes to data which represents database table records completed with data acquisition. The application is intended to make the exercise of verifying large datasets during Qualification and troubleshooting far easier with simulated information.
Network Connection Overview
The SQL Bulk Update application is intended to be used locally or over a network where a client connection is made to a SQL Server over a network or directly on the Server itself. Below is an example of Architecture with typical client - server setup. Most SQL database driven applications use a client - server configured locally or over the web to cloud based datacenter hardware. Both windows and SQL authentication connections are available. Connections over a domain can be completed by using suitable connection strings which are available through a configuration settings screen.
Note - The SQL Bulk Update application is an ideal way to white box and black box test database/domain account permissions over a network where specific requirements are in place at the tabular and column level.
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